Monday, April 6, 2009

Environmental Permitting News

Recent updates related to Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitting:

Vernal Pools

It's that time of year again! There is a short window each year for verifying whether or not a vernal pool is "significant". The significance is partly determined by an egg mass count.

DEP recently released the 2009 dates for vernal pool egg mass counts in the southern Maine region, which includes the Boothbay area:

April 10 to April 25 for woodfrogs
April 20 to May 10 for salamanders

If you own a property with isolated forested wetlands, and are considering a subdivision or development at any time within the next year, you may want to consider a vernal pool inspection this spring. A significant vernal pool is protected and requires protection not only of the pool itself but of a large portion of the surrounding critical habitat.

For more information about State-regulated vernal pools:

GIS Mapping

The DEP is now offering selected data, geographically referenced, from a number of the department's databases to the public via Google Earth (you will need to have Google Earth installed to view this data).

The "Land & Water NRPA" links include mapped Significant Bird Habitats (including inland wading waterfowl, tidal wading waterfowl, shorebird feeding & roosting areas, and seabird nesting islands). There is also mapping for known Significant Vernal Pool locations.

After opening Google Earth, just type in your address and it will zoom in on your property, with significant bird habitats mapped in color bands along the shoreline and vernal pools noted by a green oval and ID number (note that vernal pools known to be
not significant are also mapped, with a red oval).

If you have any environmental permitting questions, or need assistance in navigating through the maze of local, State or Federal environmental laws, please contact Danielle Betts, P.E. at the Knickerbocker Group for assistance: or 207.633.6563.